The crew consisted of Billy LeGrone from Tuscaloosa, Gordon Morton from Birmingham,
and Chad Carney from St. Petersburg. The mission
was the 27th Annual Alabama Open Spearfishing Rodeo. Conditions were ideal with winds
under 10 knots and seas about 1 foot or less. We headed south and didn't stop till
we hit the continental shelf around the salt dome rigs. We worked a couple rigs there,
then proceeded west to the horseshoe rigs. Having bagged what we could in the categories
of Amberjack, Barracuda, Cobia, and Trigger Fish, we turned north to target Red Snapper,
Grouper, Sheepshead, Bluefish, and Flounder. Unfortunately, a bottom layer of silt
hampered our wreck fishing efforts and kept us from getting those real contenders, but
we had some decent fish and had alot of fun. Chad's 59 pound AJ was enough to cinch 3rd
place. Total Trip encompassed 14 hours and 172 miles. Below are the pictures.
(Click on Images to Enlarge for Printing)