Mississippi Outdoors June 25, 2002
The purpose of this trip was to capture some underwater video for a
production of a Mississippi Outdoors feature highlighting the Pascagoula
River system and how it makes everything better, including the fish
populations in the Gulf. Of course, divers have to have a surface interval
between dives and sometimes it gets a bit boring so we fished a little, just
not alot. Diving was pretty good and included an encounter with a sea turtle
and a dolphin. Unfortunately, there was a technical problem with the camera
during the Turtle encounter causing it to be out of focus, and the dolphin
encounter was while snorkling without the camera, but it was non-the-less
exciting. I plan to post some video captures later, so check back.
We started by going by Chevron and Ham Marine. Then we proceeded to the east
hitting a rig on the way to the Nail Ship. After diving the Nail Ship, we hit
the rig just south of there, then proceeded back west hitting another rig and
then the Blue Wing.
Total Trip encompassed 12 hours and 93 miles. Below are the pictures - Enjoy!
(Click on Images to Enlarge for Printing)