John Maddux & Crew
June 30, 2002

This crew consisted of John "Kirk" Maddux from Gautier, John Snow from Woolmarket, Roy Faucett of Porter, Texas, and Ray Hilburn of Rocky Mountain, North Carolina. We headed south this trip and was pleasantly greeted by a nice tide rip about 20 miles south of Horn Island. Bait fish were plentiful as were chicken dolphin and even a small bull and some small cobia. Surprisingly flying fish were also sighted this close in. After having our fill there, we proceeded to some rigs south of there and got into some hard tails and AJs. From there we went to FH-7 and had a nice encounter with a large Hammerhead. We baited him with a bonita but failed to let him take it long enough and the fight only lasted about 30 seconds before he was able to spit out the bait. We headed further south to Sugar Hill, block 208, 3 nets lost, and then west to some more rigs and the SB wreck. Large snapper seemed to have lock jaw or we just couldn't get to them thru all the sharks. Anyway, everyone had alot of fish to pull on the lines and had a great time. Total trip encompassed 15.5 hours and 136 miles. Below are the pictures for your enjoyment. If you like them, please let me know.
(Click on Images to Enlarge for Printing)

Chicken Dolphin coming in

Kirk Hooking Up

and Again

Roy has Chicks Too!

Ray has a Cobia

Kirk and a Bonito

Ray and a Chicken Dolphin

Small Bull Hooked Up

Reel Him in Roy!

Dolphin in the Water

Roy's Boated Him!

Another Shot

Another Pic of the Bull

John and a Bonito

John and a King

Ray Hooks Up

Amberjack in the Boat!

Another View

John Boats One Too!

Hammerhead Lurking

He's Running Under the Boat!

Ray Bags a Snapper

Another View

John Hooks Up!

John with a Snapper

Roy with a Grouper

John Fights the Sharks

Ray Shows Off a Red Fish

John Fights the Sharks

Roy Lands One Too!

And so does John!

John even Bags a White Trout

Roy Snags a Spade Fish

Ray and the Sunset

Another Shot

Ray Hilburn


Another View


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